Author Guidelines

When preparing your manuscript for submission, please observe the following points:

Research Articles

The length should be between 6,000 and 12,000 words, including footnotes and bibliography.

Your manuscript should be submitted in MS Word (.doc or .docx) format. The text should be double-spaced, with 1" (2.54cm) margins, and use a 12-point standard font (e.g. Times New Roman).

Please format your document using the appropriate styles (Body Text, Heading 1, Block Quote, Bibliography, etc.).

On a separate cover page, please provide:

  • your name, title, institutional affiliation, e-mail address, and other identifiers (e.g. ORCiD);
  • the title of your essay
  • a ca. 250-word abstract
  • 5–7 keywords
  • a short (ca. 100-word) bio

All illustrations, figures, tables, or other multimedia content (images, sound or video clips, etc.) should be uploaded in a separate file or files, not embedded in the manuscript document. Callouts (fig. 1, etc.) should be placed in the body text at the appropriate points.

For the purposes of peer review, please also supply an anonymized version of your manuscript. In this anonymized version, you should not mention any grants or include any other acknowledgements that could identify you. In general, self-citation should be avoided or kept to a minimum; if you must refer to your own work, do so in the third person — or, if this is not feasible, replace the citations (in the text and bibliography) with a placeholder, such as [author1], [author2], etc. Finally, check that all personal identifiers have been removed from the document’s metadata (in Word for Windows, go to File/Info/Check for Issues/Inspect Document/, on a Mac, go to Tools/Protect Document/Remove personal information).

Book Reviews

The length should be between 2,500 and 5,000 words.

Book reviews do not require abstracts or keywords, but they should have a short, snappy title.

The author bio should be one sentence, in the following format: “[Author Name] is [Employment Position] at [The University of Z].”

Citation Style

Bibliographic references should be formatted in accordance with the Chicago Manual of Style (17th ed.), footnotes and bibliography style (short citations only, i.e. surname of author, short title, and page numbers only). Wherever available, please provide URLs and/or DOIs for the references in the bibliography.

Spelling and punctuation

Please follow The Oxford Style Guide (New Hart's Rules, 2nd ed. 2014), with the following exceptions:

  • Orthography: Please use Oxford spelling (New Hart's Rules §3.1), i.e. British English but with -ize endings.
  • Punctuation: Enclose any quoted matter in double quotation marks (“”), reserving single quotation marks (‘‘) for quotes within quotes. Any comments, corrections, or omissions made to quotations should be enclosed in square brackets. This includes ellipses […]. Full stops (periods) should be placed outside the final quotation mark, unless it is part of the original quote or if the quoted passage constitutes a complete sentence.